Friday, December 11, 2009

History 3 Test Monday December 14

Subject includes Life of the Habitants in New France
Seigneurial System
Reasons for 7 Year War
Who were James Murray and Guy Carleton and why are they important
What was the Royal Proclamation and why is it important
What is the Quebec Act
Why did the 13 colonies get upset by the Quebec Act
What is Assimilation

History 5

Israel and Palestine Peace Process.

Rebecca and Marie Julie - Experts on Past Peace Proceses (such as the Oslo Accord)

Emily and Laetitia - Experts on the Palestinian situation

Emilie and Tommy - Experts on the Israeli situation

The Debate and the Peace Plan will be finished on the last day of classes before Christmas break.

For futher information try this site:

Important Dates for History 4

Friday December 18 - Histor Test on the Economics Unit

Wednesday January 13 - History Project Due.